From time to time, we run training for funeral and wedding celebrants. The next courses are:
2026 February Funeral Celebrant Training
This training is over 5 consecutive days, 9:30am - 4:30pm at The Whisky Bond, 2 Dawson Road, Glasgow, G4 9SS.
Day 1, Wednesday 18th February - the celebrant role
Day 2, Thursday 19th February - the ritual of saying goodbye
Day 3, Friday 20th February - clients and client meetings
Day 4, Saturday 21st February - eulogy and script development
Day 5, Sunday 22nd February - ceremony delivery
Cost: £995 (training only) + (optional) £300 mentoring for further support + (optional) £295 joining fee to join the celebrant network.
With an opportunity for those with the right skills and values to enter our mentor programme and join our celebrant network.
The (optional) £300 mentoring includes personal mentoring plan with an experienced funeral celebrant including ceremony shadowing.
The (optional) £295 joining fee joining fee includes; 1 year insurance, interview & admin to add profile to website.
The affiliation fee for members is £15 (funeral only) or £30 (weddings/ weddings & funerals) per month + annual insurance.
(Max. 10 places available.)
Wedding Celebrant Training, February 2027, TBC
9:30am - 4:30pm at The Whisky Bond, 2 Dawson Road, Glasgow, G4 9SS.
Wedding Celebrant Training, 5 Days in-person, £TBC.
With an opportunity for those with the right skills and beliefs to enter our mentor programme and join our celebrant network.
(Max. 10 places available.)
Bookings & Enquiries
Contact James with any questions and to book your place.

With our celebrant training
craft and shape a ceremony
lead a ceremony
gain the skills to be a celebrant
What you'll get out of the course
Learn about ritual in society and the role of a funeral/wedding
Learn about the rules and options for major life events
Understand how to bring others’ stories to life
Learn how to facilitate and co-create ceremonies
Craft a ritual with confidence
Understand your legal and ethical role
Practice delivering a ceremony
Learn how to shift atmosphere in a ceremony
Learn how to work with families to co-create events.
Get skills, tips and resources for crafting scripts for different scenarios.
On successful completion of the course, you will have a deeper understanding of what it takes to become a celebrant.
The right candidates will be invited to join our small, supportive network of celebrants.
Is this the course for you?
This course is perfect if you are:
a good listener: empathic and open to difference
a good communicator: written, spoken, unsaid
able to present well
good at building meaningful relationships
share our Humanist values. (Not sure? Do the quiz.)
Further answers to FAQ’s below
Eligibility & Booking
We select candidates for the course who appear to show the right attributes and skills for celebrancy, and of course - you must share our Humanist beliefs if you wish to to be able to join us. Following successful completion of the course, eligible participants will be invited to apply. Some will take a year or more to join us, but here is a timeline of a typcial potential progression to join us based on the Wedding Celebrant course;
Step 1. Training Course. (February)
Step 2. Interview, Mentor plan and Ceremony. (March)
Step 3. Declarations, Disclosure, Compliance and Applications to Trustees. (June)
Step 4. Added to our group insurance policy to join us as a self-employed Humanist Celebrant. (July)
As A Quiet Revolution is a Humanist charity. We are keen to promote diversity and inclusion.
If you wish to contact us to book a place on our course, please tell us about your passions, your beliefs and what led you to find us. We can’t wait to meet you.
For queries or booking please email us to find out more.
DAY 1: All about ROLE
Introductions, building rapport, active listening, interview/note-taking, range of skills (communication, planning, facilitation, legal knowledge), developing your signature style.
DAY 2: All about RITUAL
The what, why, how of ritual; ceremony structure and options.
Physical exercises - grounding, articulating, amplifying, addressing an audience, indoor/outdoor delivery.
DAY 3: All about COUPLES
Enquiries, meeting with couples, chemistry check, couple-centred planning, legal guidance, atypical couples, couples scenarios discussion.
DAY 4: All about SCRIPTS
Practising interviewing and script writing. Creating a personal ceremony. How to capture a couple in their words.
DAY 5: All about DELIVERY
Delivering scripts. Script discipline. Compliance.
The course leaders are all celebrants with A Quiet Revolution.
We work together as a team to deliver ceremonies for A Quiet Revolution and to deliver this course for you.
Yva McKerlich
Yva comes from a background in language and literature and is passionate about the telling of stories in our milestone moments. Having worked for 15 years in the education sector as an English Teacher and Teaching Mentor, Yva now applies her skills in a full time Celebrant role. Having conducted over 800 funerals, she has extensive experience in end-of-life storytelling.
Her path to Celebrancy began with personal experience of leading a family funeral and she believes absolutely that the right words at the right time can create rituals with meaning and with joy.
Yva’s experience as a volunteer Chaplain with the Marie Curie Hospice Team has given her an important insight into end of life planning and the importance of ownership in ceremonies to celebrate a life. Having worked with people from all walks of life, Yva strives to empower people to embrace the richness in their own stories and create funerals which truly celebrate life’s journeys.
Jude Williams
Jude - I’m an independent performing artist and celebrant with A Quiet Revolution. Creative director of The Letter J, vocal and creative coach - facilitating workshops in many spheres - inviting folks to show up in their voice, body and bodies of work. My work is rooted in a love of life’s wild beauty - relationships, connections, community and transformation.
My journey with celebrancy began [as it often does] when death came calling - losing loved ones in quick succession. I wanted to become part of the answer to some of life’s big questions:
How can we do ceremonies better?
Where’s the loving line in storytelling to honour those gone and those going on?
What's the rightful intersection of tone, atmosphere, performance, and ritual?
How can I bring my creative/collaborative experience to the ceremony space?
How may standing closer to the reality of death invite us to be kinder in life?
Feedback from David Simpson, 2024
“The celebrant training helped me consolidate my existing celebrant experience, but it also enabled me to develop a much deeper appreciation of the Human side of what a celebrant does. It not only enabled me to be better in my role, but it also helped me live a more present and positive life, improving so many aspects of the everyday.
Having gone on to complete the wedding training a couple of years later, enabled me to be able to offer the important and often magical act, of solemnising a marriage. Again it is an amazing thing to be able to offer to people in my community that share Humanist thinking and beliefs and I am so looking forward to conducting my first legal marriage at the end of September 2024.”
Feedback from Katie Quinn, 2024
“The marriage celebrant training with AQR was a wonderful experience for me. It was a week full of joy. I got everything I was expecting and all I was hoping for, plus some unexpected bonuses.
I was expecting a qualification, information on practicalities and legalities and support from the organisation in taking the next step from qualification to practice. TICK ✔️
I was hoping for some real life experiences and stories, to meet like minded people, make some friends and connections and to feel confident and empowered in taking the next steps towards conducting ceremonies. TICK ✔️
What I got as a bonus to all this wonderfulness was a renewed perspective on human connection and interaction. Every person, trainers and trainees, approached the week with openness and authenticity. Some of the conversations and experiences that arose in that atmosphere really reminded me of why I was drawn to humanism in the first place, and how powerful empathy, kindness and honesty are.
I've since managed to use the experience not only to move forward as a celebrant but also to make changes in other areas of my life. Most notably in my 9-5 job where I've managed to consciously create (with the support of my manager and the business) a role that fosters communication and connection and improves relationships, and I'm happier in my work than every before as a result..”
This is a course that has been put together by celebrants with decades of experience of over a thousand ceremonies to help you be the best celebrant you can be. The focus of the course is to help you on your journey to becoming a Humanist Celebrant, understanding the skills you will need to hone and giving the support network to enable you to feel supported as you begin to practice. It is not certified by an exterior examining body. Feedback from celebrants who have taken the course is excellent.
Every participant who completes the course receives a certificate. We are confident what you learn on the course will stand you in great stead wherever your future leads.
As above. There is a look at all relevant aspects of theory and practice culminating in you delivering a service you have created.
At the conclusion of the course suitable candidates will be given the opportunity to join our celebrant network to continue their celebrant journey.
Mentoring plans are individually tailored, depending on your experience. Those who need to attend ceremonies or shadow will have the opportunity to do so.
We are looking for people with the right skills, the right attitude and the right beliefs to join us.
What skills do I need?
You must be able to present yourself well, to be organised, to manage time keeping and your diary, you must have good listening skills to understand client stories and good written skills
What attitude do I need?
You must have good instincts and be able to work by yourself. You must have a learning attitude and always want to improve with peer sharing and ongoing CPD. You must be able to work with the group towards our common goals.
What beliefs do I need to join you?
Your beliefs must not contradict our own. You must be committed to key Humanist principles of kindness and inclusion. We believe everyone deserves a dignified ceremony.
In the past approximately 75% of participants have been offer the opportunity to join us, but there are no 'targets' for this, it is purely down to what the right fit is.
Following completion of the course, fit and proper participants may be able to join us to conduct legal ceremonies.
We believe the course offers good value. It is an investment in your future. If you want ball-park figures for ceremony fees and insurance costs (etc) to help you make the decision as to whether this is right for you, then please get in touch.
You can pay in instalments up to the course start date.
All course materials will be supplied. All participants receive a folder with a wealth of training information.
We will go over all relevant legislation and our commitment to best practice as a part of the course.
For marriage celebrants there are specific legal requirements.
No. Our celebrant network is made up of self-employed celebrants who are all trained and held to the highest standards. They offer each other on-going peer support and CPD. Celebrants raise donations for the charity, and the charity sets fees and offers governance, oversight and strategic guidance for future planning but we do not operate as an Agency.
You may be able to do this if you are invited to join us after training. To conduct a marriage ceremony you need appropriate skills, training and the support of a belief body. We are a belief body.
Contact James with any questions and to book your place by email at or by filling in your details on our Contact Us webpage.